Our Services | Nuestros Servicios


24 Hour Launch Services

Servicio de Lachas 24 Horas

Crew, Authorities & Agents transportation From/To Vessels anchored an/orin-transit.

Traslado de prácticos, autoridades y tripulantes durante faenas de atraque y desatraque.


Spare parts, food, oil transportation, From/To Vessels anchored and/or in-transit.

Transporte de materiales, víveres y vituallas.

Our Fleet Nuestra Flota

Transit Crew & Transportation

24 passengers

Cargo capacity 1,2 Tons

Speed 20 knots

Restroom & Air Conditioning

Transit Crew & Transportation

12 passengers

Cargo capacity 2,5 Tons

Speed 25 knots

Restroom & Air Conditioning

Transit Crew & Transportation

24 passengers

Cargo Deck 18 SQM 8 Tons

Speed 22 knots

Restroom & Air Conditioning

Transit Crew & Transportation

12 passengers

Cargo capacity 1,5 Tons

Speed 22 knots

Restroom & Air Conditioning

Catamarán Hidrográfico Costero

Ecosonda Multihaz

Ecosonda Monohaz

Sub-Boton Profiler

Sonar de Barrido Lateral

Transit & Crew Transportation

20 passengers

Cargo Deck 15 SQM 5 Tons

Speed 22 knots

Restroom & Air Conditioning

Landing Craft

Light cargo & crew transportation

Speed 14 knots

Cargo capacity 6 Tons or 55m3

We are a group of companies specialized in maritime services, ship agency and multimodal international transportation, based in the United States and Panamá, serving worldwide through a global logistic network.

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